A Site For Our Vendors

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We buy old equipment for refurbishment and unused surplus units for resale. In some cases the equipment needn’t be decommissioned as we can provide de-installation services. This will depend on the value of the equipment. Make, Model, Quantity, and Age are all factors in value assessment. Please let us know what you have and we will make you an offer.


 * It should be noted we always pay more for equipment that we do not have to decommission our self.



In general, we are interested in purchasing the following:


- Manufactures include: APC – MGE, Eaton – Powerware, Liebert. Some Mitsubishi and Toshiba models.


- In general we are interested in UPS units rated at 12 KVA and up, manufactured in 2001 and up but occasionally earlier models will retain value.


- Smaller rack mount units in quantities of 20 or more. Units must be the same make and model. Generally these must be manufactured in 2004 to present.


- Power Distribution Units (PDU). We purchase Liebert and APC only. Manufactured 2002 to present.

   - Lieberts must be rated 100KVA and up.

   - APC units must be rated 40KVA and up.


- Computer Room Air Conditioning units (CRAC). We are looking for Liebert and APC only. Manufactured 2003 to present.

   - Liebert units must be rated 5-Ton and up.

   - APC units, any size.


- Generators can be any make 150KW and larger.


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